I want to debug .NET Core 3.x (and .NET 5) code.

I was a bit confused after reading the documentation. I have commented on a github issue to figure this out.

When debugging at the commandline

$ cdb dotnet .\bin\release\net5.0\Sample.dll

I could tell that the SOS extension wasn't loaded, and I struggled to load it with .loadby sos coreclr (which is the old/wrong way, because SOS.dll is no longer distributed next to coreclr.dll and the LoadLibrary call will fail).

Then I found C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App\3.1.11\SOS_README.md,

SOS and other diagnostic tools now ship of band and work with any version of the .NET Core runtime.

SOS has moved to the diagnostics repo here: https://github.com/dotnet/diagnostics.git.

Instructions to install SOS:

- https://github.com/dotnet/diagnostics/blob/main/documentation/installing-sos-windows-instructions.md (Windows)
- https://github.com/dotnet/diagnostics/blob/main/documentation/installing-sos-instructions.md (Linux/MacOS)

that says that SOS is no longer distributed with the SDK.

Long story short: Install SOS on Windows the same as on Linux:

$ dotnet tool install -g dotnet-sos
$ dotnet-sos install
Installing SOS to C:\Users\maxfire\.dotnet\sos from C:\Users\maxfire\.dotnet\tools\.store\dotnet-sos\5.0.160202\dotnet-sos\5.0.160202\tools\netcoreapp2.1\any\win-x64
Creating installation directory...
Copying files...
Execute '.load C:\Users\maxfire\.dotnet\sos\sos.dll' to load SOS in your Windows debugger.
SOS install succeeded

After that everything worked in Windbg/Cdb wrt SOS, and I could debug .NET Core 3.x (.NET 5.x.) on Windows.

NOTE: If you are using WindDbg Preview, then the extension work out of the box.


  1. Start the app.

  2. Get the pid

$ dotnet trace ps
  1. Use the pid
$  cdb dotnet run .\bin\Release\net5.0\CancelApp.dll

You now have a cdb session, where you need to

a. load sos (load) b. set a breakpoint (bpmd) c. proceed (g)

cdb commands

.load C:\Users\maxfire\.dotnet\sos\sos.dll
!name2ee * System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource
!bpmd -md {md}

NOTE: WinDbg Preview has the best UX!!!!